EBV Elektronik

The EBV full-solution philosophy

We provide comprehensive support at all stages of our customers' supply chain, starting with in-depth application know-how right up to value-added services and complete logistics solutions. Due to this commitment, we have been recognized as a reliable service partner for years and enjoy the confidence of your customers and manufacturing partners across Europe. But success is newly achieved every day. For this reason we are adjusting our range of services on an on-going basis, constantly aligning them to the current market situation.

Technical support

Today, complex semiconductor technologies demand more engineering know-how and technical expertise from a distributor. EBV Elektronik has responded by employing 230 field sales engineers and 110 application specialists who provide in-depth design know-how and application support throughout Europe.

Value added services

We offer the entire range of product modification services, whether you are looking to enhance your products by programming, laser marking or taping & reeling. Our technical services are fulfilled by Avnet Logistics, Europe’s leading product modification center which guarantees the industry's highest levels of quality, accuracy of shipments and harmonized processes at competitive pricing.

Logistics solutions

As a service company, our task is to help you achieve greater cost transparency in your supply chain. This enables a reduction in your required inventory levels and your working capital needs. Therefore we offer tailor-made logistics solutions designed for and driven by your specific needs – simply Logistics on Demand™ by EBV Elektronik!

Standard distribution services

For a permanent stock-in trade of more than 480 million euros and hundreds of thousands of individual orders per year, the quality of our processes and the precision with which they are executed represent absolute preconditions for customer satisfaction. Responding to inquiries locally, quickly and unbureaucratically, providing punctual deliveries at fair prices and a high personal commitment of each individual employee until the successful conclusion of the project: that is what we understand ‘creating added value for the customer’ to mean.' And we offer all these services at the same high level from Dublin to Dubai, from Copenhagen to Cape Town.



Energy Storage Event

Het Energy Storage event informeert u met een breed programma met lezingen over energieopslag. U krijgt inzicht in de laatste ontwikkelingen op het gebied van energy storage. De neutrale kennisoverdracht biedt u deskundigheid over de voordelen met de technologie.

Met aangescherpt beleid voor de verduurzaming van de economie, de opkomst van wind- en zonne-energie en dalende accuprijzen ontstaan nieuwe business cases voor energieopslag.

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Power Electronics Event

Het Power Electronics Event vindt plaats op 14 juni 2022. Nieuw dit jaar is de combinatie met het Energy Storage event. Vermogenselektronica en energieopslag kennen veel raakvlakken en zijn veelal onlosmakelijk met elkaar verbonden. Profiteer tijdens de gecombineerde editie van de aanwezige vakkennis op het gebied van zowel vermogenselektronica als energieopslag. De breedte van de markt, namelijk toepassers, ontwikkelaars, toeleveranciers en kennisinstituten komen bijeen op het Power Electronics en Energy Storage event. Met vakgenoten worden visies, ervaringen en kennis uitgewisseld.

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Design Automation & Embedded Systems Event

Tijdens het jaarlijkse Design Automation & Embedded Systems Event nemen ontwikkelaars en toepassers van embedded systems kennis van de laatste technologieën en wisselen zij visies en ervaringen uit met vakgenoten.
In het lezingenprogramma en op de kennismarkt wordt aandacht besteed aan specifieke thema’s.

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LED Applicatie

De LED Lighting & Technology Conference is hèt event waar R&D-managers, engineers, ontwikkelaars en lichtontwerpers de laatste innovaties op het gebied van LED-technologie zien. In het lezingenprogramma en op de kennismarkt worden de bezoekers volledig geïnformeerd over de beschikbare hardware, (aansturings)software en test & meetapparatuur.

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